Dominic Persechini
Dominic Persechini

Dominic Persechini, M.B.A.

Senior Advisor

Dominic Persechini provides consulting and expert services on complex, high-stakes commercial litigation matters. With more than 18 years of experience, he is often retained for calculating damages resulting from intellectual property infringement or misappropriation and complex business disputes. Mr. Persechini has been involved in more than 135 cases and has testified in depositions, arbitration, state court, and Federal Court.

Mr. Persechini has counseled clients in matters involving patent infringement, trade secret misappropriation, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, false advertisement, breach of contract, Lanham Act violations, wage and hour violations, antitrust monopolization, and bankruptcy. He has consulted clients in many industries, including computer software, biotechnology, telecommunications, entertainment, banking, insurance, energy exploration, and consumer products.

Mr. Persechini is also a published author in such notable publications as Law360 and The Witness Chair published by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Prior to Intensity, Mr. Persechini served as a Senior Consultant at a top tier economic consulting firm where his high-quality work over the past decade led to multiple promotions. Mr. Persechini also spent several years in the Silicon Valley office of a leading economic consulting firm that also specialized in economic research, analysis, and expert services for litigation and dispute resolution.

Mr. Persechini earned his M.B.A. from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, and his B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.

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