Grace Martens
Grace Martens

Grace Martens

Senior Associate

Grace Martens specializes in economic research and data analysis. She is well-versed in the use of statistical programming languages for data visualization and has honed her skills through a variety of different projects that focused on education and political research. 

Prior to Intensity, Ms. Martens worked as an Associate Business Analyst at Scholastic. During her internship, she produced financial training materials in support of the company’s launch of a new order management system. Ms. Martens also served as the Secretary-General of UPenn’s Model United Nations Conference (UPMUNC). As Secretary-General, she oversaw all logistics and planning for UPMUNC 54, the organization’s first in-person conference since 2019. 

Ms. Martens earned her B.A. in Mathematical Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. 

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